Crimes against persons (per 1,000 population)
Crimes against property (per 1,000 population)
Emergency incident response time (Fire)
Fire Insurance Rating
Percent of permitted restaurants with a passing health inspection score
Maintenance & Growth
Percent of city streets that are rated good or excellent
Average gallons of water consumed daily
Percent of waste diverted from landfills by recycling efforts
Number of pedestrians and vehicle crashes resulting in injury or fatality
Total dollars invested in infrastructure
Percent of residents who are satisfied with Fort Worth as a place to live
Percent of population that is within the target distance from a library or community center, park, trail, or bikeway
Average TripAdvisor rating for major park venues
Percent of library customers who are satisfied with the quality of Fort Worth libraries
Building permits (total # and total $ value)
Percent of tax base (commercial versus residential)
Number of jobs tied to an economic development agreement
Number of small businesses
Unemployment Rate
Per capita income and median household income
Median home value of Forth Worth residents
High Performing Government
Percent of City Call Center calls that are answered within 60 seconds
Percent of Water Call Center calls that are answered within 60 seconds
Percent of building inspections that are completed by the requested date
Percent of initial commercial building plan reviews that are completed within 7 working days
Number of missed waste collection pickups (per 1,000 households)
Total number of library materials borrowed
General obligation bond rating
Bond Rating
High Performing Government
General obligation bond rating
Number of missed waste collection (pickups per 1000 households)
Percent of building inspections that are completed by the requested date
Percent of City Call Center calls that are answered within 60 seconds
Percent of initial commercial building plan reviews that are completed within 7 working days
Percent of Water Call Center calls that are answered within 60 seconds
Percent of water quality complaints that are resolved within 48 hours
Total number of library materials borrowed
Average TripAdvisor rating for major park venues
Building permits (total # and total $ value)
Median home value of Forth Worth residents
Number of jobs tied to an economic development agreement
Number of small businesses
Per capita income and median household income
Percent of library customers who are satisfied with the quality of Fort Worth libraries
Percent of residents who are satisfied with Fort Worth as a place to live
Percent of tax base (commercial versus residential)
Percentage of population that is within the target distance from a library or community center, park, trail, or bikeway
Unemployment Rate
Maintenance & Growth
Average gallons of water consumed daily
Number of pedestrian and vehicle crashes resulting in injury or fatality
Percent of city streets that are rated good or excellent
Percent of waste diverted from landfills by recycling efforts
Total dollars invested in infrastructure
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